Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten/First Grade

Yes, you read right...the first day of Kindergarten.  I was going to blog about the first day of First Grade, but then I re-read my blog from last year, and well...even though the details are a little different, the sentiments stay the same.  So, here's a glimpse of a mother's heart, my heart.

The night before the first day of Kindergarten...

We picked out your clothes...you wanted to wear your new football t-shirt.

We packed your backpack, and placed it by the door...I'm so proud of you for not complaining about not having a new bag, and you are perfectly happy with the Toy Story backpack from last year.

We snuggled into your bed, and read a new book about the night before kindergarten...you were so excited about all the new things that you would learn this year!

And we prayed together...for a good night's sleep and thanked God for the many blessings in our lives, especially for Kindergarten and that it's finally here.

I kissed you good-night as I always do, and as I turned off your light, you said to me "Mommy, I'm growing up! I can't wait to go to Kindergarten tomorrow!"

"Yes, baby! You're going to Kindergarten! And I'm so proud of you!" But as I said those words, I fought back tears, and I felt something squeezing my heart. For I never thought this day would come. Okay, I know it's just Kindergarten...but time is zooming by like the speed of light, and I can barely catch my breath before the next milestone appears. So, on this night before yet another milestone, I want to capture the moment and store it in my heart forever. I feel like this is the first step of me letting go, as if my pinky finger is being pryed open...slowly, but surely, I have to let you go.

But as I let you go, I know that you are not going alone. I pray that you will know that God is with you...and my heart goes with you, too.

So, on the morning of the first day of school, this is what I saw...

But my heart saw this...

And when you sat in the car, I turned and saw this...

But really, this is what I saw...

And when I hugged you goodbye and wished a great first day for you, Daddy took this picture...

But these are the pictures that are etched in my heart...

I love you, Joshua!

(here's his first day of First Grade picture taken today)

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