Saturday, March 23, 2013

The List...#4

#4.  Take a ballroom dance lesson

Yes, I am a closet dancer wannabe.  I confess...I love watching So You Think You Can Dance and Dancing with the Stars.  Even my children know this about me.  When Joshua catches me watching something on t.v., he always asks, "Mom, are you watching your dancing show again?". 

So, I thought it appropriate that learning how to dance would be on my 40 List!  I believe that God thought so too!  Because interestingly enough, I met a new couple that started attending our church a few months ago.  As I was talking to the wife, she shared with me that she's a dance instructor.  My ears perked up and she had my full attention!  I immediately bombarded her with questions, until she gave me her card (either to shut me up or to entice me to lessons...I'm thinking both!).  But I believe this was a divine appointment!

Bringing this subject matter of dance lessons to Jared was no easy feat.  While I pride myself with having somewhat decent rhythm, my husband does not.  He enjoys grooving to his own beat and style, which never fails to provide me with amusement and entertainment.  But the thought of actually learning ballroom dancing, he felt fear and trepidation.  But I had to remind him that "it takes two to tango" (like my dancing analogy?!), and I wasn't prepared to dance with anyone else.  I'm not proud of this, but I did stoop pretty low pleaded.  It's on my list!  He can't refuse me, right?

And being the good sport that he is, he didn't.

So last Monday night, we went to the Fred Astaire Dance Studio in South Barrington for our first (and probably only) lesson.  We met our friend and dance instructor, Amy, and she spent the next hour showing us the basics of the rumba, foxtrot, waltz, and (I can't remember the exact reminded me of swing).  Undoubtedly, I had a blast!  You'll have to ask Jared yourself what he really thought.  (Here's a quick shout out to Fred Astaire Dance Studio.  Ask for Amy Ross.  She's awesome!)

I don't think I'll ever be a professional dancer.  But I love to dance.  I don't pretend to dance well, but I do love to move to music.  I love the emotions that music evokes.  I love reminiscing of my younger days when I used to see my mother and uncle dance (they won a few dance competitions back in the day).  And today, I love seeing my girls dance and twirl to music, enjoying the moment of pure abandon as they move and sway.  In those moments, I move and sway along with them as I worship and praise my God for the gift of my girls, and for the gift of dance!

Jared and me before we left for our dance lesson.
Shall we dance?
Becca loves to dance!
Below is a short video of her and Jared dancing. 
She loves to grab his hand, and wants him to dance with her all the time! 
I think this is going to be "wedding day worthy" material!
(oops...there were issues with uploading)

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