Thursday, September 6, 2012

Simplicity, Part 2

Labor Day was what it was...a day that I labored, but not in having-a-baby kind of way!  It was just nice to have no plans, with nowhere to go.  And I was giddy with excitment to have an entire day to clean, organize, and finish some home projects. 
I had challenged myself last week, after reading a section of Mindy Caliguire's study on Simplicity, to clean out the girls' closet.  How did you do?
Initially, I didn't do so well.  I felt it necessary to clean and organize our bedroom instead.  I've always thought that one's bedroom should be one's haven...just an escape from the chaos of the rest of the house.  Well, for over a year, our bedroom was not a haven.  Instead, it was a storage room for all the baby stuff that we couldn't find room for.  It became a dumping room where we chucked everything if we had guests over.  So, I started working one section of the room at a time.  And viola!  I'm pleased to say that Jared and I finally have our room back!
I then started cleaning out the girls' closet.  And on Labor Day, not only did I conquer that, I went ahead and finished a project that I had started in their room months ago!  I ordered some self-adhesive words through an Etsy shop because I wanted to have some scripture and empowering words in the girls room.  So, the first one is a verse from Proverbs "Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but praise the woman who fears the Lord."  (I had to modify the verse so that it could fit across the wall)
The next set of words are "Let her sleep...for when she wakes, she will move Mountains".  I got the idea from my photographer friend, Amy.  I really like these words because I pray that my girls will be movers and shakers for the Lord.  God has blessed both of them with spirit and energy, and it is my utmost prayer that they will use their gifts for God's glory.  So I felt like these words meant, Watch out, World!  God has gone before them, and the Ahrens sisters are a-coming!

Man, I'm on a roll!  Our 4th bedroom has been a disaster, and one of my goals this summer was to get it cleaned out.  Well, summer has come and gone, and I still had not touched it.  So, right after lunch, I tackled the 4th bedroom and was very pleased with the results.  I finally have my sewing room back!  Here are some before and after pictures (I'm not proud of the before pic!)...

While cleaning out the 4th bedroom, I was able to make different piles of stuff that I am giving away to people. 

In addition, I was able to do 6 loads of laundry, clean the bathroom, and make dinner for the family!  Yes, it was a very productive day!  (Jared and I even had time for a movie night at home after the kids went down)  And yes, I confess...I'm bragging.  But you have no idea how long I've wanted to tackle all of this!  It's probably been a year, and I do feel a sense of accomplishment.

And all this may sound exhausting, but really, I felt awesome at the end of the day!  And I literally felt lighter in my spirit, and a sense of freedom...maybe because I don't have "stuff" weighing me down, or the unending "to-do" list that never seems to get done.  With the completion of each task, I was motivated to move on and do the next one. 

I try to explain this to Jared...that it's hard for me to relax or rest if I know that there's stuff that needs to get done, or if there's something that needs tending to.  It's that nagging thought/thing that lingers around like a shadow, a constant reminder that it still needs to be taken care of.  Until that happens, I can't truly rest.  I know I have problems.  But that's how it is with me.  Am I the only one that feels this way? 

Hence, my desire to simplify, so I won't have all these things I need to get to or do.  And in my quest for simplicity, I see the truths in Mindy's words as she expresses simplicity comes freedom. 

Her next chapter talks about fixing our focus, and I was so convicted in what she had to say:

"...we each run our race...but we are not called to run their races or anyone else's...we are invited the unique race marked out for us."

(Simplicity, p. 21)

Wow!  As moms, and women for that matter, how often do we drive ourselves crazy by trying to be someone we're not.  We covet other women for the way they dress, look, what they have, and as moms, we try to be like everyone else, wanting to give our kids what other kids have, etc.  And in the midst of this duplicity, we ourselves get lost. 

And Mindy challenges us to keep our focus on who God has called us to be.  To run our own race.  And know that there are "invisible witnesses" who are cheering us on:

"The men and women listed in Hebrews 11, and many others throughout scripture, ran their races successfully.  No two races were the same...these individuals didn't follow a common path to be obedient to God, but each ran to finish the race God marked out for them."  (p.20)

Be who you are called to be.  Don't try to be a Mrs. Duggard (I can't remember her first name), or a Martha Stewart, or a Beth Moore.  It's okay to look at their examples to find encouragement and strength and wisdom.  Let them be the cheerleaders who will spur you on.  But ultimately, be you, and be faithful to the race which God has set out for you.  Don't try to be a duplicate.  Stay focused and be you!

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.  And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfector of our faith.  (Hebrews 12:1-2)

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