My sister-in-law, Rachel, gave me a devotional book for Christmas called "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. It's a daily devotion which I hope to be able to commit to doing. At first glimpse, I was relieved to see that each day's devotion was short, and I liked how it had a few verses that I can look up and read for the day. Awesome! I get to: read the Word - check! read the accompanying devotion - check! and perhaps journal when I feel led to - check! There, it shouldn't take me more than 10 minutes, right?
But as I read the introduction to the book, I got to know the author and her journey to search out His presence and her deep desire to dwell in it. Something in my heart stirred. I, too, want that! I want to linger in His presence and know that the Almighty is with me...protecting, comforting, loving me. I'm feeling convicted about my daily check-list, and hope that as I wake each day, I just can't wait to spend time in quiet devotion (maybe when the kids are napping?!), with this book in my hand and a longing in my heart to be with Jesus.
A phrase struck me in the introduction. Sarah recounted a life-changing verse for her, which is Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God." She mentioned that alternate readings for "be still" are "relax", "let's go", and "cease striving".
Cease striving...for some reason, that spoke powerfully to me. Every day, I feel like I'm running on a treadmill. Always running, but not getting anywhere. Trying to knock off as many things on my to-do list, trying to be the best mom, wife, friend, but at the end of the day, falling into bed feeling utterly spent and empty. Perhaps if I cease striving, to be still, to just chill out, this peace which God promises, the one that surpasses understanding, will envelope me and give me the rest I so desire. And in my state of rest, maybe, just maybe, I will sense His presence.
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